Here’s the Plan: NASA MSL/Curiosity Flight to Mars

Aug 5, 2012   //   by Pamela Greyer   //   Latest Buzz  //  No Comments

In case you haven’t seen the NASA animations on the launch, travel, and eventual landing of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory here it is. The rover will descend to the surface using jet pack technology then suspend from a tether and finally touch down on Mars. NASA has simulated the landing as much as possible and that video has been included here as well. Curiosity, once settled in her home in Mars’ Gale Crater, will search for evidence as to whether this spot on Mars ever was able to sustain life. In the most ambitious planetary exploration mission ever, Curiosity’s chemistry instruments will examine soil samples and send the results back to Earth. Who better to tell the story of Curiosity’s journey to Mars other than William Shatner.


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