
Welcome to the NASA for Schools and Educators page.  In my years of working with teachers and students, the biggest challenge has been providing workshops to help educators interpret mission data and find the best way to incorporate NASA missions into their instructional content.

Here you will find NASA resources for educators, workshops in your area that will provide more hands-on training with various NASA missions, summer professional development opportunities, and integration and implementation to bring data and mission specific resources to your students. I develop specialized STEM programs, activities, and workshops for schools and my community programs can also be implemented as after-school enrichment programs. My Solar System Ambassador outreach workshops and presentations are also listed on the Solar System Ambassador Page

I visit cool places all the time and if the event is a good opportunity to connect teachers and classrooms I will stream it live from my iPhone on Ustream and have my Twitter feed accessible on this site for teachers to use with instructions for lessons and links to educational guides and curriculum that correspond to the event.

Connect with me! There are several ways become part of the excitement:

Join me live here on the event page on the day of the event.

Contact me before an event to receive lesson plans, handouts, and instructions on how to make the event come alive for your classroom.

Send me an email with questions or special requests.

Follow my tweets on Twitter @thenasalady

Connect with my Twitter feed here. The current hashtag (#) being fed on this page is #NASATweetup
