A New Beginning!
In the last few weeks, I have been fussing at myself for letting my coding skills wane over the last
several years as I try to set up TheNASALady site with a theme that has some personality. In doing
this, I’ve had to go back to learning how to mock up a web page design using Photoshop and tweeking themes I’ve found to get an idea for how to create one of my own. I know what I want the site to look like and after months of just letting it sit with a cool twitter feed application which you can read here, The NASA Lady’s Tweets, I decided it was time to get the site polished so it can become the reality of my vision to spread STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to schools, teachers, students, communities, and any and everyone interested in all things space, engineering, and science related.
I’m working on importing some past blog posts from other blogs that I do get around to posting
to and as I keep working on the theme new categories and resources will be added.
Please stay tuned, come back and visit often, and feel free to make my site a favorite!
Yours in dreams,
The NASA Lady